
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christian Conservative Cautions Mittens: 'Want Our Vote? Don't 'Spin' Your Mormon Faith!'

PHOENIX, Jan. 4, 2012 -- Mitt Romney may be the odds-on favorite to win the Republican nomination, but if he continues to be tight-lipped concerning his Mormon faith,it's doubtful he will become the 45th president of the United States.

"Voters want to hear from Mitt Romney how his Mormon faith will affect his presidency, and Romney had better tell them, or in my view he will lose the presidential election," explains Christian conservative scholar Andrew Jackson, D.Min., a former professor at Regent University and Phoenix Seminary, in his latest book, The Mormon Faith of MittRomney: What Latter-Day Saints Teach & Practice.

Although he carries the name of the seventh president of the United States, Jackson's purpose is not political, but to present Americans with a concise and thorough introduction to what Latter-day Saints (LDS) officially teach and practice today.

While the author admits that he'll vote for Romney if he wins the Republican nomination, he explains: "As an
Evangelical Christian, I am bothered, and even suspicious, that Mitt Romney refuses to openly and honestly explain his Mormon faith to the public and how it would or would not shape his presidency."

He adds, "When people ask Romney honest questions about his Mormon faith, and he tells them to go read the officialwebsites of the LDS Church ... I wonder, 'Does the Mormon Church speak for you? Do you believe everything the official LDS websites say, or do you think for yourself on some issues of your personal faith?'"

Read author Andrew Jackson's 10 key questions reporters should ask Mitt Romney about his Mormon faith at:

Jackson says that those advising Romney toward a "strategy of silence" have it all wrong: "This evasive style
concerning his Mormon faith will only reinforce a growing public image that he is plastic and slick, and it will
actually backfire on him as voters are looking more and more for authentic and straight-talking leaders. . ."

He concludes: "Many Americans might not agree with Romney's Mormon faith, but I believe they will embrace an honest heart that speaks straight to them, without pretense or spin."
Rightardia considers the Mormon faith to be a Christian heresy that has a checkered history. Romney is a Mormon bishop so we agree that being silent about his religion is a mistake. 

Rightardia wonders if the book is objective because the author admits that he'll vote for Romney regardless as long as he wins the Republican nomination

This book is new and is unrated on 

Matthew Green
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