
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Newster: It's hard to be humble

Ashley Madison is an adultery web site

Secular Human read a funny article on the Huffingfton Post. Here are some of the highlights. Please read the entire article by Jon Ward. It's a gem.

MOUNT PLEASANT, Iowa - An Iowan, Jenny  Turner, approached Newt Gingrich after a political event and pleaded with him not to be "arrogant and narcissistic." Turner said:

Do you feel like you need to be a little more humble to make it?

Gingrich was caught off guard by the question. Turner identified herself as a supporter of his and had a Gingrich bumper sticker on her car.

Jenny Turner pleaded with Gingrich to take a less "presumptuous" tone." She noted Gingrich had too confidently predicted earlier this month in an interview that he would be the Republican nominee for president.

Newt admitted that he is "assertive" but acknowledged:

Sometimes when you're a little too assertive, it's not too smart.

In a related Gingrich campaign development, the adultery web site, Ashley Madison, has endorsed Newt Gingrich for president in an a obvious publicity stunt.

see the complete article at:

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