
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Huge labor victory: Ohio labor defeats Ohio issue Number 2, SB5

This was a huge defeat for ohio Governor john Kasich who had tried to ban collective bargaining for public unions.

MSNBC's Ed Schultz was covering the event and with 12 per cent of the vote in, the vote was against the proposition by a 2:1 margin.

Governor Kasich supposedly will want a compromise, but the Dems should stand firm and tell him that he lost and to get to work creating jobs in Ohio.

One of the Democratic Ohio senators said the compromise should have been worked out in the general assembly when the bill was being crafted,  not after a huge labor victory.

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said: 

One message rang loud and clear tonight in Ohio and across the country: those who spend their time scapegoating workers and pushing a partisan agenda will only strengthen the resolve of working people,From the very beginning, it’s been clear that Gov. Kasich, and indeed many politicians, were pushing an agenda that was about politics, not about solving our nation’s problems or creating jobs.

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