
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

God is my health care insurer? Court says "no."

A three judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia issued a split opinion upholding the lower court's ruling on health care. The three person panel found Congress did not overstep its authority in requiring people to have insurance or pay a penalty on their taxes, beginning in 2014.

Judge Laurence H. Silberman reaffirmed that Congress has the constitutional authority “to forge national solutions to national problems” like the need to provide affordable, quality health care to all Americans.

The suit in Washington was brought by the American Center for Law and Justice. This is a legal group founded by evangelist Pat Robertson. The basis of the suit is curious, indeed!

Robertson's group claimed that the insurance mandate is unconstitutional because it forces Americans to buy a product for the rest of their lives.

This violates the religious freedom of those who choose not to have insurance because they rely on God to protect them from harm.

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