
Monday, November 14, 2011

Foreign Policy Simpletons

The only Republicans in the debate that had any grasp on US foreign policy were Ron Paul and Jon Huntsman.

Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich talked like a couple of fascists who want to start another middle east war. Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann  unsurprisingly support torture which Republicans prefer to call "enhanced interrogation techniques."

Mittens, Newt and Rick Santorum are all leg hugging supporters of Israel and the US would be led by the neo-conservative nose to invade Iran if any of them were elected president.

Santorum, of course, has no chance to become president at all. We are not sure why the Catholic moron is running.

Rick Perry brought up US foreign aid--most of which goes to two countries: Israel and Egypt.  US foreign aid as a percentage of US GDP is lower than many countries and has been for many decades.

Cutting foreign aid would lessen the international influence of the US.

Jon Huntsman calls US foreign aid a sound investment. He argued that his opponents are opting for “sound-bite campaigning. "

Clearly the US foreign policy under Obama and Hillary Clinton is a big improvement over the saber rattling diplomacy of the Bush administration.

Mario Piperni has some excellent quotes and commentary from the last GOP debate.See


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