
Thursday, November 17, 2011

China Daily: US hegemony

Russia Today--

Up to 2,500 US marines will be permanently stationed in Australia within the next six years under a new agreement between the two countries. The move comes as Pacific region’s major player, China, is rapidly boosting its military might.

The news was announced jointly by Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard and President Barack Obama, who is on a nine-day diplomatic tour of the Asia Pacific.Obama said:

This region is of great strategic importance to us. We will make sure we are able to fulfill our leadership role in the Asia Pacific region.

PM Gilliad said:
Our alliance has been a bedrock of stability in our region, so building on the alliance through this new initiative is about stability. 

The agreement comes against the backdrop of a rapidly-militarizing China that also figures to be a major player in the region.

Although Obama said he welcomed China’s rise, he also said:

We will send a clear message to them that we think they may need to be on track, in terms of accepting the rules and responsibilities of being a world power.

Obama may be overreacting to an expansion of the Chinese navy that has been modest and appears to be oriented to defending territorial waters. 


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