
Monday, November 7, 2011

Bill Kristol : Cain will never be the GOP nominee

Intrades' take on the GOP front runners

Billl Kristol said this about Herman Cain on Fox News Sunday:

He’s not going to be the nominee, if I can just be honest here for a minute. He was never going to be the nominee. The support for him, I think, was a symbol of conservative and Republican distrust of some of the frontrunners, willingness to reward someone for being bold, for having comprehensive reform plans, for being an outsider, but I think the air is slowly going to go out of the Herman Cain bubble regardless of the sexual harassment charges.

Rightardia agrees with Bill Kristol. Cain will never cut the mustard with country club Republicans like Kristol. Cain is too bold and too black.

Cain's harassment scandal has hurt him and helped Newt Gingrich. Rightardia thinks the fix is in for Romney. The smart money has always been on Mittens. 

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