
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

WIN: Occupy DC Organizer Says The Movement Seeks To Take Power From Elites Who Destroyed The Economy & Keep Us Trapped In War


By Doug Cunningham
For anybody wondering why the occupy movement is protesting, Occupy DC organizer Kevin Zeese sums it up. In a blog Zeese wrote: “Because the people need to take power from the political and economic elites who have destroyed the economy and have us trapped in war quagmires around the world,” Zeese writes, “ because we need to END CORPORATE RULE that favors gluttonous profits for the wealthiest while the basic necessities of tens of millions are not met; because we need to immediately end wars of the American empire that have literally killed and displaced millions of innocent people.”  Zeese concluded by writing, “We occupy to create a more perfect union where participatory democracy replaces the rule of concentrated wealth.”
By Doug Cunningham
For anybody wondering why the occupy movement is protesting, Occupy DC organizer Kevin Zeese sums it up. In a blog Zeese wrote: “Because the people need to take power from the political and economic elites who have destroyed the economy and have us trapped in war quagmires around the world,”

Zeese writes, “ because we need to END CORPORATE RULE that favors gluttonous profits for the wealthiest while the basic necessities of tens of millions are not met; because we need to immediately end wars of the American empire that have literally killed and displaced millions of innocent people.” Zeese concluded by writing, “We occupy to create a more perfect union where participatory democracy replaces the rule of concentrated wealth.”

Amen, brother. the US has wasted trillions on defense since World War 2 and gained little from the obscene levels of defense spending. Since 911 the defense budget increased by 40 per cent and that doesn't include the cost of the Iraq and Afghan wars!

Of course, Republicans like John McCain insist the bloated defense budget should not be cut in view of ongoing federal austerity measures. 

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