
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Democrats are morphing into weak-kneed Republicrats

There seems to be a lot of Republicrats in the Democratic Party. Over the years, they have used a variety of names such as Yellow Dog Democrats or DINOs (Democrats in Name Only).

Repblicrats are beholden to corporations and will vote with Republicans whenever required. Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas and Ben Nelson of Nebraska come to mind as good examples of Republicrats.

Republicrats are timid and avoid controversy. They will talk about reforming Income Tax and FICA, but unlike Repblicans they make only minor changes to the tax code after an election.

Repblicrats love to talk about "hope and change," but after three years Rightardia has seen little change and we now have even less hope.

A real Democrat knows that taxation must be raised to spur an economic recovery. You cannot just spend without raising revenues like Obama did. or wait until the Republicans take over Congress to cancel the Bush tax cuts.

In fact in October 2011, more Democrats  ended up voting to extend the Bush Tax Cuts than did Republicans.   The provision extended the Bush tax rates for two years.  

The bill represented a major shift as Obama abandoned an oft-repeated campaign promise that he would end the policy of cutting taxes for the wealthy.

Rightardia is not surprised that 70 per cent of the  Occupy demonstrators are independents. There was a time when Democratic activists led mass demonstrations, but that era ended in the 1960s.

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