
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another Democrat governor who lost his way


The 99 Per Cent Of Us Sent New York’s Democratic Governor a message Tuesday. Jesse Russell reports.
In New York City on Monday the “99 New York” coalition briefly occupied the steps of city hall to send a message to Governor Andrew Cuomo to not end a tax on some of New York’s highest paid citizens. The group says the expiration of the tax on New Year’s Eve will cost the state $5 billion. Cuomo had previously said that he’s afraid if the tax stands it might result in millionaires leaving the state. Transport Workers Union Local 100 President John Samuelsen said Cuomo had the wrong priorities.
[Cuomo]: It’s very disturbing because the implication of that is that the folks in Albany could careless whether or not working families have to move away.
Sixty one percent of New Yorkers agree with extending the tax, but the Governor, a Democrat and millionaire, has remained steadfast in his opposition. Samuelsen said Albany is out of touch.
[Cuomo2]: Somehow the folks in Albany have lost it. They’ve lost the notion that they’re there to protect working families in New York State., Not to protect our wealthiest citizens. They can protect themselves, they have the money to do it.
The 99 Per Cent Of Us Sent New York’s Democratic Governor a message Tuesday. Jesse Russell reports.

In New York City on Monday the “99 New York” coalition briefly occupied the steps of city hall to send a message to Governor Andrew Cuomo to not end a tax on some of New York’s highest paid citizens. 

Latest Republicrat, Andrew Cuomo, outed
The group says the expiration of the tax on New Year’s Eve will cost the state $5 billion. Cuomo had previously said that he’s afraid if the tax stands it might result in millionaires leaving the state. Transport Workers Union Local 100 President John Samuelsen said Cuomo had the wrong priorities.

Governor Cuomo emphasized: 

It’s very disturbing because the implication of that is that the folks in Albany could careless whether or not working families have to move away.

Sixty one percent of New Yorkers agree with extending the tax, but the Governor, a Democrat and millionaire, has remained steadfast in his opposition. Samuelsen said Albany is out of touch.

Governor Cuomo added: 

Somehow the folks in Albany have lost it. They’ve lost the notion that they’re there to protect working families in New York State., Not to protect our wealthiest citizens. 

Governor Cuomo is well-aware that most millionaires don't work. They live of investments from stocks and bonds. Cuomo is another Republicrat like the lot in Washington DC. 

Cuomo is an embarrassment to the Democratic party. He has lost his Democratic roots.

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