
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tony Bennett was criticized after a recent appearance on Howard Stern's show. The 85-year-old placed blame on America for the tragic September 11, 2001 attacks. "They flew the plane in, but we caused it," he told Stern. 
Bennett said that we had been  bombing Al Qaeda and they told us to stop." 
Osama bin Laden had also stated the attacks were in response to US interference in Saudi Arabia. 
On Wednesday, Bennett explained his controversial remarks to US Weekly
"There is simply no excuse for terrorism and the murder of the nearly 3,000 innocent victims of the 9/11 attacks on our country," he told Us. "I am so grateful to be an American, and as a World War II veteran, I was proud to fight to protect our values, which have made America the greatest country on the planet."
Bennett had told Stern the "first time I saw a dead German [is] when I became a pacifist . . ."
Bennett fought in the Battle of the Bulge and marched with Martin Luther King. He has been a life-long humanist and pacifist, 
Bennett also said that  violence begets violence and that war is the lowest form of human behavior.
Rightardia doesn't believe that Bennett needed to apologize for his comments on 911. The US has been the "evil empire" since World War 2 and has conducted a series of unsuccessful wars and interventions that caused the death of hundreds of thousands of persons. 
Many Americans perceived the US as a progressive force while in reality the US just really wanted to prevent international change from occurring. Our  international objectives were to preserve the status quo like the Roman Empire's . Noam Chomsky has said the US assumed the role Germany had prior to WW2. 
Bennet also indicated that GW bush told him six years ago  that the Iraq War was a mistake. 
Neo-conservatives have tried to call the war an " intelligence failure" but a Project for a New Century (PNAC) document surfaced that indicated GW Bush, Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney and other neo-conservatives had drafted plans to attack Iraq before the presidential election. The Iraq War was a political failure, not an intelligence failure. 
Since Obama has been in office, there have been no serious "intelligence failures. 
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