
Thursday, August 25, 2011

Some conservatives may have mothers who were depressed

Science Daily has an interesting article about children who have enlarged amygdalas. Acording the the article, the mothers of these children suffered form life long depression

Another current study suggests individuals who call themselves liberals are more likely to have to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex while conservatives have larger amygdalas. The study suggests the enlarged amygdala results form the child's environment, not genetics.

The amygdala is a part of the brain that is very ancient. Sceintists thinks the amygdala detects emotions. The right amygdala was larger in those people who described themselves as conservative.

Liberals had thicker anterior cingulates, a brain area associated with anticipation and decision-making.

The amyglada is also associated with violent behavior in teenagers whoese mothers were depressed. There is also a link between the amygdala and autism.  

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