
Friday, August 5, 2011

NY Times : Aftermath of the Debt Ceiling Debate, August 2-3, 2011

Highlights of the NT Times survey. 

Just 14% now approve of Congress, and disapproval is at an all-time high. Majorities disapprove of how both parties have handled the debt ceiling negotiations, and 84% are dissatisfied or angry with the government in Washington.

• Americans are split on how President Barack Obama handled the negotiations, and on his approval rating overall.

• Americans are also divided on the agreement reached to raise the debt ceiling itself: 46% approve and 45% disapprove.

Nearly 6 in 10 Americans, or 57%, disapprove of the way House Speaker John Boehner  is doing his job, according to the poll. That's 16 percentage points higher than April. The speaker has only 30% job approval.

President Obama fared better: 46% approve and 47% disapprove, of how he handled the negotiations.


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