
Saturday, August 6, 2011

Huffington Post: DNC catches Mittens with mystery $1 million contribution

DNC Executive Director Patrick Gaspard sent out this email: 
We don't know what kind of business the now-defunct firm, "W Spann LLC," was in -- or claimed to be in, anyway. The lawyer listed as its founder won't respond to inquiries, and the office building listed as the company's headquarters has no record of its existence. There's no way to tell where the money came from or who was responsible. Mitt Romney might be fine with that. We're not. [...] We've got a lot of work to do to strengthen the campaign finance laws. Indeed, Democrats passed a bill to do just that in the House of Representatives last year. But Republicans killed it in the Senate. And with the GOP in charge in the House now, clean elections laws are going nowhere until we get a new Congress. In the meantime, though, the only thing we can do to counter this type of corruption is to do the exact opposite -- raise money from people giving whatever they can afford. Can you chip in $3 or more today?

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