
Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Huffington Post: Divorce rate is higher for childless couples

Rightardia has alluded to this in article we have written about 'dog people." These are usually childless couples who have replaced children with dogs.

Journalist Anneli Rufus crunched some numbers and  discovered this fact about divorce American style in the United States: 66 percent of divorcees are childless compared with 40 percent who have kids

She thinks the "absence of children leads to loneliness and weariness."

Sociologist Paul H. Jacobson noticed the trend a long time ago: 
"For couples without children, the divorce rate in 1948 was 15.3 per 1,000. Where one child was present, the estimate rate was 11.6 per 1,000. The figure thus continues to decrease, and in families with four or more children, it was 4.6. Altogether, the rate for couples with children was 8.8 per 1,000. In other words, the rate for childless couples was almost double the rate for families with children."

Initially, Rightardia thought this trend might be related to the availability of birth control pills or the end of the Aid to Dependent Children program which was replaced with the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program. TANF provides lifetime benefits to needy mothers for five years.

However, the trend stated earlier and probably relates to the "Rosie the Riveters" who went to work during World War 2 while the men were fighting in the Pacific and Europe.

Women realized there were alternatives to "The Leave it to Beaver" lifstyle popularized in the media.

By the 1960's Betty Frieden had written "the Feminine Mystique" which was followed by the Women's Lib' movement.

It is ironic with the declining birth rates in the US that the GOP has an anti-immigrant policy toward Latins and Hispanics, the fastest growing population groups in the US.

Yet, GW Bush accelerated the H1-B visa program to draft foreign workers into US corporations.

Apparently, the GOP sees the world in terms of "good immigrants and bad immigrants." Many of the "good immigrants" show up in the US after our armed forces withdraw from a country after another failed military endeavor.

That's why we have first and second generation Vietnamese and Cambodians in the US and will have a new influx of  Iraqis and Afghanis shortly.

Then the GOP will even have more Muslims to complain about and investigate!


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