
Monday, August 8, 2011

Dangerous Intersection: Christian nuclear war ethics?

Image by Erich Vieth - Perugino Painting and creative commons missle photo

The Air Force has suspended an ethics briefing for new missile launch officers after concerns because of the briefing’s heavy focus on religion.

The briefing, taught for nearly 20 years by military chaplains at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, is intended to train Air Force personnel to consider the ethics and morality of launching nuclear weapons. 

Many of the slides in the lenthy presentation use a Christian justification for war. pictures of saints like Saint Augustine and biblical references are used.

Any missile launch officer who is reluctant to pull the trigger when given orders, is removed from the program. it takes tow officers and special keys before a nuclear misisle can be launched. 

Is a nuclear launch against a foreign nation unethical and immoral? Most non-believers know the answer to that question.

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