
Monday, August 8, 2011

America thanks the Tea Party for taking us to the brink

Uploaded by  on Aug 5, 2011
Voice over by DC Douglas

Actor, voice over artist and part-time Tea Party gadfly, D.C. Douglas, released a video over the weekend thanking the Tea Party for its contributions to the debt ceiling debate. Immediately upon it's release, his video took on even greater meaning.

Though the video's release occurred at roughly the same time that Standard & Poor's credit downgrade for the US became official - it was mere coincidence. The Twitterverse, however, picked up on the video's sentiment and began forwarding it to friends as way of expressing their displeasure regarding the Tea Party's perceived hand in the credit downgrade.'s editor, Joan Walsh, retweeted the video Sunday and then returned a half hour later, writing, "Still laughing at @DC_Douglas Tea Party thank you. Ending Social Security will let seniors share their wisdom with the homeless!"

Online websites such as Daily Kos, Crooks & Liar's Video Cafe, The Immoral Minority, Veracity Stew, and Political Irony began posting it as part of the larger national narrative that links the Tea Party's intransigence during the debt ceiling negotiations to the credit downgrade.

Apparently this is not without some merit. In Standard & Poor's statement, they wrote "[T]he downgrade reflects our view that the effectiveness, stability, and predictability of American policymaking and political institutions have weakened at a time of ongoing fiscal and economic challenges to a degree more than we envisioned..."

The video's creator and narrator, D.C. Douglas, is an actor and voice over artist in Los Angeles, California. (See IMDB for full credits). He received national attention in April, 2010, after a sarcastic voicemail message he left tea party PAC FreedomWorks was posted on Andrew Breitbart's Big Government website, along with his home phone number and a call for readers to get him fired from one of his voice over campaigns.

Mr. Douglas responded with humor by producing A Tea Party PSA video, as well as appearing on Fox News, CNN and several progressive radio shows so that he could call out "the astro-turfing disingenuousness of FreedomWorks."

"I have to thank Matt Kibbe [President of FreedomWorks]," Mr. Douglas confesses, "Without his use of unethical tactics, I would have never discovered this very enjoyable hobby."

Since then, Mr. Douglas has produced several political internet videos under the Tweaked Nipple Productions. Recent targets have included Andrew Breitbart (, Michele Bachmann, Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Matt Kibbe, FreedomWorks and the Koran burning Reverend, Terry jones.

The video, "Tea Party! America Thanks You!" can be viewed on the D.C. Douglas Blog. His previous videos can be seen at Tweaked Nipple Productions.

For the original version on PRWeb visit:

Dedicated to FreedomWorks, Tea Party Patriots, Tea Party Nation, Americans For Prosperity, Tea Party Express and National Tea Party Federation!

Written, produced, edited by Lance Kibbe' Baxter

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