
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Republican class warfare 101

The GOP has been engaging in calls warfare since the end of World War 2.

The first GOP target were blacks who had abandoned the GOP during the Great Depression. According to the GOP, the blacks were the welfare kings and queens who needed to get off of the government plantation.

The next  target were women. A woman could raise a child to the age of 18 under the Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) program. In 1966, President Bill Clinton signed the Temporary Assistance to Needy families that replaced ADC. TANF was drafted by a GOP congress.

TANF provided child welfare benefits for a max of 5 years. This law likely had a huge effect a decline of American birth rate which has been declining for the past 12 years.

Women also make about 78 per cent of what men make, but when they started lobbying for changes to US law, Rush Limbaugh branded them femi-Nazis. Obama did; however, sign the Lucy Ledbetter Act into law

Then Republicans then went after the LGBT community when they started getting rowdy about the right to marry. Most of the arguments were based upon religion and mythical American family values. Six states have now legalized same-sex marriage.

In the past 10 years Latino and Hispanics have been the GOP whipping boys. It is true that some illegals effect US jobs, but these are the jobs that Americans without a high school education would want such as in farm labor, gardening, grass cutting an fast food.

In Georgia, a very restrictive labor law was passed and migrant workers never showed up to tend the fields in that state. Millions of dollars of produce rotted in Georgia fields. Of course, migrant farm labor has been a fact of life in the US for decades.

Paul Ryan went after seniors in the congressional budget with his plan to voucherize Medicare. Seniors were the only demographic in the last presidential election that voted Republican. This appeared to be a strategic  GOP error.

Now, the GOP is after government union workers who make up the bulk of the federal state and municipal work force.

Rightardia wonders how the Republican mange to keep winning elections. Over the years they have gone after blacks, women, gays, Latino and Hispanics, seniors and now government workers.

Who is next in the Republican class warfare barrel?


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