
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Katyusha multiple launch rocket system is 70 years old

First used by the Red Army on July 14, 1941 near Orsha, the Vitebsk Region in Belarus, the Katyusha multiple launch rocket system is now 70 years old.

The Nazi army was demoralized by this rapid and unexpected rocket attack. Over 10,000 Katyusha launchers and more than 12 million missiles were manufactured between July 1941 and December 1944.

The BM-21 Grad (Hail) multiple launch rocket system is the direct descendant of the Katyusha. Today’s rocket artillery systems operate on the same principle as their legendary archetype. But their combat potential has expanded appreciably with the advent of new munitions.

This system was a game changer or the Red army against the Nazis. It is one of the featured weapons systems in the game, Rise of Nations, if Russia is selected as a nation in the game.

source: Ria Novosti

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