
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hillbilly Report: Obama Wants To Attack The Middle Class? Take Congress Hostage!

by: fake consultant

Sat Jul 09, 2011 at 04:15:07 AM EDT

By now you have heard that President Obama has chosen to throw Social Security and the Medicare and Medicaid Programs over the side of his proverbial fishing boat as bait to see if he can get Republicans to give him another really lousy compromise, much as he did last December when he gave up billions upon billions of deficit reduction in order to help Republicans preserve tax cuts for billionaires.And it looks like the President doesn't really lose if you or I get hurt here: in fact, it seems that, in his eyes, it's to his advantage to fight against his own base as he seeks to be "the adult in the room" in the runup to the '12 election.

So we're going to have to find a way to put The Fear on this guy - and I think I've got a plan to force this President to listen.

And it works like this: if this President ain't gonna be moved by our message...we do it by holding the rest of his Party hostage.

See the complete article at

Rightardia agrees with the Hillbilly report. If Obama gives away the farm for some minor tax reform, forgeddaboudit!  The Democrats should have fixed the tax structure in the US as the first order of business rather than wasting a year on health care reform" that was hardly transformational.   

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