
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Florida Watch Action rally against Pink Slip Rick

The video is from a Florida Watch Action  rally in St. Petersburg last week and shows the amazing grass roots energy and power in the movement. It's inspiring to see hundreds of people take to the streets in our fight to stop Pink Slip Rick's assault on the middle class. 

WOW! If that doesn't get you pumped about what ordinary people are doing to defeat Scott's radical agenda than nothing will! This is just an example of what our Pink Slip Rick Task Force is going across the state to combat the astroturf efforts of Scott and his corporate puppets. 

The best part? It's working. Rick Scott's poll numbers continue to collapse, and even right-wing media outlets can't cover it up. One conservative leaning statewide poll had Pink Slip' approval rating at just 27%!

View the video, be inspired by what we're doing, and chip in $5 or more to continue to fuel our efforts:

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