"The United States and the Philippines are the only two countries on Earth which have a pledge to a flag. Ours includes mention of an all-powerful monkey that lives in the clouds, and includes an extra big gooey glob of xenophobia just for good measure.
This pledge does not make us a better people, it makes us decidedly weird. We could do SO much better.
As a reminder to all you non-history buffs, the "under god" part of the pledge was added in 1954 while the country was beside itself about make-believe communist incursion of the U.S. government. So it''s not like Jesus wrote it on a fig leaf, just for us.
Yeah, I know, bummer, but you might find solace in the fact that the tune to the Star-Spangled Banner came from an old drinking song . . .
Happy holiday, everyone. Now go blow yourself up like a good American."
source: Far Left Side
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