
Monday, July 11, 2011

Ann Coulter thinks only government workers vote Democratic

Anne was on the Bill Maher show and said:

I don’t understand why anyone who isn’t part of the 40% of America working for state, local or Federal government would ever vote for the Democratic party, since that is what the Democratic party stands for.

Ann's statement is absurd, but it is an example of class warfare in which the GOP tries to demonize a different sectors of Us society.

For years the GOP went after blacks because the black electorate abandoned the GOP during the Great Depression. Then it was women and the LGBT community. At the present moment, Hispanics and government workers are in the GOP barrel.

What does say about the percentage of American worker who hold government jobs?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the government accounts for about 8% of jobs in the United States. Here's the breakdown using numbers easily accessible on the BLS website (all numbers from 2006 or 2007): 

1,774,000 Federal government civilian employees, excluding Post Office 
615,000 Post Office 
1,172,913 Military enlisted 
230,577 Military Officers 
2,424,000 State government (excluding education and hospitals) 
5,594,000 Local government (excluding education and hospitals)

That's a total of 11,810,490 government jobs.

The Federal Government also employed 14.6 million contractors in 2006, but even adding the contractor numbers, the total is not even close to 40 per cent. 

In addition, the Armed services are filled with conservatives. The Major didn't meet many Democrats during his career in the Air Force. 

See the HBO Bill Maher overtime video at

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