
Friday, July 8, 2011

Alan Grayson on being Middle Class in 

the US, 6-Jul-11

Alan Grayson was an excellent attorney before he got into politics. The Fox News host who is interviewing him is supposed to be Glenn Beck's replacement. Grayson is correct that Social Security is paid for by the FICA payroll tax, not income tax.

The Social Security part of FICA ( Medicare is the other part)  has a cap of $106,800 which makes it the most regressive of the federal taxes. This tax has primarily been on the backs of the middle class since the Social Security program was created in the 1930's.

Anyone who says Social Security and Medicare are socialistic is a bold-faced liar. Seniors pay into both programs for more than 40 years before they are eligible for Social Security and Medicare benefits.

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