
Saturday, June 11, 2011

WIN: U.S. Labor Department Sues Texas Over Failure To Pay Overtime To State Employees


By Doug Cunningham
The U.S. labor Department is suing the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services' Child Protective Services Division for not paying  overtime to hundreds of its employees. The suit alleges that 800 current and former investigators and case workers were denied the payments, which are required under federal labor law. The suit seeks more than a million dollars in back wages plus damages. 
By Doug Cunningham
The U.S. labor Department is suing the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services' Child Protective Services Division for not paying  overtime to hundreds of its employees. The suit alleges that 800 current and former investigators and case workers were denied the payments, which are required under federal labor law. The suit seeks more than a million dollars in back wages plus damages. 

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX) 

Meanwhile Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison said, she felt that the Obama White House looked down, if not stigmatized, the Lone Star State. Hutchinson said: 

I see a bias in this administration against Texas… yes, I do see it in this administration, absolutely. We didn't get the help in the wildfires that I think any other state would have gotten. I think if you look at the things that have not happened in Texas, I think it is pretty clear that there is a bias against Texas.

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