
Monday, June 13, 2011

WIN: AFL-CIO has strong words for Senator Tim Johnson


The last three weeks have been filled with a great deal of tough talk from the AFL-CIO toward Democrats. 

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka started the tough talk at a the National Press Club in May when he said labor organizations would be spending the summer holding elected leaders in Congress accountable for how they approach issues important to working families. 

Trumka went farther in a speech on Tuesday in front of National Nurses United. He said unions under the AFL-CIO umbrella aren’t interested in supporting a single party, they’re interested in electing leaders who will stop “the wrecking ball” heading to working family interests. 

That message was amplified on Friday when AFL-CIO Special Policy Counsel Damon Silvers sent a warning to Senate Banking Committee chair South Dakota Senator Tim Johnson not to allow new executive pay regulations to be weakened. 

According to the Huffington Post, Silvers told the Social Investment Forum Conference that if Johnson does so he should consider the “recent history of Blanche Lincoln.” 

The AFL-CIO helped run a Democrat against Lincoln triggering a primary election. While Lincoln was triumphant in the election the labor organization takes partial credit for Lincoln losing the general election. 

Meanwhile, the Service Employee International Union is launching a new Republican political action committee. 
SEIU says it’s an effort to enable working families to regain a voice within the Republican party in California – a voice SEIU says has been drowned out by a minority of extremists. 
SEIU says the Golden California Committee will word to elect legislative Republicans who “share the moderate values that once made the California GOP strong”. 
Among those values, SEIU says, are rewarding hard work, investing in quality schools, colleges and infrastructure and doing right by children and seniors. SEIU Republican members – representing what the 
SEIU says are its 87.000 registered Republican members in California - are launching the political action committee.

These are two warning shots across the Democratic bow. Has the Obama administration done much for labor in the past thee years. Rightardia  believes besides some well-needed NLRB decisions and the automotive industry  Democrats have not done much.

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