Found this very funny video on Urantian Sojourn.
Rightardia has little sympathy for Bachmann because conservatives have been trying to bastardize US history for a long time to fit their ideological views.
In Texas, there was attempt to excise Thomas Jefferson form text books because of his views on organized religion. Other founders like Benjamin Franklin held similar sentiments. Franklin said light houses are more useful than churches.
Conservatives have tried to recast the Civil War as about states' rights, but Jefferson Davis never mentioned states' rights until after the Civil War, The CSA Constitution had the same federal supremacy clause as the US constition.
Another big conservative lie is that Democrats caused the Great Depression. Three Republican presidents were in office directly prior to the depression and the depression stated during Herbert Hoover's term.
Republicans also tried to claim credit for the Voting Rights Act, a hallmark of the LBJ presidency.
Clearly conservatives cannot be confused with the facts!
Well done, Team Coco!
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