
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Public Policy Polling:

Raleigh, NC– Obama is in a good position to once again win the key swing state of Florida.

Obama has a bigger lead over all potential Republican opponents in 2012 than his 51-48 victory over John McCain in 2008.

Obama leads Mitt Romney by the narrow margin of 47-43 (up from 46-44 in March).

Obama achieves larger margins against all others leading Tim Pawlenty 48-40, Michele Bachmann 49-40, Herman Cain 48-37, and Sarah Palin 52-40 (52-39 in March).

Obama leads despite only luke warm approval among Florida voters. Only 48% of Floridians approve of Obama and 49% disapprove.

The unpopularity of the GOP candidates makes up for Obama’s weak numbers. This is true throughout the US.

See the entire poll at

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