
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

NMA: Bachmann emerges as the GOP alpha evangelical

"Of the female conservatives to emerge since Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann is the only one still standing.

Palin and Bachmann were once allies, but comments made by a Bachmann staffer have driven a wedge between them.

Palin's bus tour, which is seen as stirring controversy rather than sell herself as a serious, potential candidate. Bachmann, on the other hand, is formidable. She resisted a multimillion dollar Democratic effort to crush her Congressional campaign.

Does either have a chance of being nominated, or will their shared base be turned off by their fisticuffs?"

Michelle Bachmann or Tim Pawlenty may end up as a VP candidate. Rightardia is certain that the GOP kingmakers like Roger Ailes have picked Mittens as their champion.  

The other faux candidates were told to keep their hands off of Mittens during the NH debate.

Will the Tea Party roll over on this fix? That is the question. 

NMA also ran the Nonnie9999 Hysterical Raisins 'Mostly White" graphic in the video Rightardia posted in an earlier article. 

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