
Sunday, June 26, 2011

NMA: Federal bill to legalize pot

Uploaded by  on Jun 24, 2011

Political rivals Ron Paul and Barney Frank are among a group of Representatives introducing a new marijuana reform bill. 

The proposed legislation would lift the federal ban on pot, leaving legalization up to the states. 

Sixteen states already allow medicinal marijuana. States would also be able to levy taxes on pot, which would help many cash-strapped municipalities. 

Views on weed are changing. Former world leaders have recommended a policy of decriminalization in the wake of the epic failure of The War on Drugs.Will more politicians come together in the name of legalization?

The cigarette companies have trade marks on all of the cool pot names and the government needs the tax revenues form this industry.

Undoubtedly some conservatives who believe that any change to the law is bad will vote against the bill.

But corporatist Republicans and Blue dog Democrats beholden to the tobacco industry will vote to decriminalize pot.

Richard Nixon declared the war on drugs 40 years ago and the US has squandered $ one trillion on the failed war.

Marijuana is an ancient drug that was found in a 2,0000 year old Scythian tomb in Pazyryk, Western Altai in Siberia. 

No doubt some wingers will try to use a domino argument that legalization of pot will lead to legalization of crack cocaine and heroin. 


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