
Monday, June 13, 2011

NMA: Alec Baldwin for mayor of NYC

Alec Baldwin is considering a run for New York City Mayor in 2013. People think he actually has a descent shot at winning…
Alec Baldwin has revealed he is considering a run for New York City mayor now that Anthony Weiner’s chances have been dashed.
Baldwin will be free to run in the 2013 race. He plans to quit 30 Rock next year, leaving the show’s future uncertain.
Baldwin thinks he’d fare better than other celebrity politicians, once remarking he’s “Tocqueville compared to Arnold Schwarzenegger.”
A Hollywood liberal, Baldwin would have no problem finding a base in New York. He even contributes to The Huffington Post!
But is Baldwin tough enough to challenge Mayor Bloomberg? 
If the voice-mail messages he leaves his daughter are any indication, he definitely is.
Rightardia hopes Baldwin runs. It would be nice to see a real liberal in public office. 

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