
Friday, June 10, 2011

IRS going after Swiss tax evasion

There were recent International monetary fund (IMF) discussions in Europe about the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). 

FATCA is a U.S. bill passed in  2010 that forces non-U.S. banks to automatically share a vast amount of information regarding the bank dealings of their U.S. clients.

This is an outgrowth of the UBS tax evasion scandal. Rightardia thought the US government was lenient with the millionaires and billionaires that were hiding their wealth in offshore UBS accounts.
Apparently, the UBS settlement was the first phase. Germany is also involved in the discussions and Germans have had secret accounts in Switzerland prior to World War 2, 

Obama recently hosted the German leader, Angela Merkel. We suspect the president discussed Swiss tax evasion with her. 

Rightardia  hopes the IRS is successful in nailing every US tax evader, the majoroty of which are Republican. A little turnabout class warfare is fine  now and then, 

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