
Monday, June 20, 2011

Glenn Beck Says "Nudge Leads To Shove, And Shove Leads To Shoot"

From the June 20 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program:

Beck on healthy school lunch program: "First it's nudge, then it's shove, then it becomes shoot."

American culture is broad and ranges form blue grass to Broadway. Rightardia suspects Beck is upset about some recent well-deserved shots fired over the conservative bow.

Beck continues with his obsession with guns and suggests the cultural elite, whoever that is, has contempt for the "American culture." 

The "guns and god" crowd are the basis of a white under-educated conservative sub-culture represented by Joe the Plumber, Sarah Palin, Rick Perry and other miscreant politicians. In the past, many of these people could graduate from high school, plug into the local factory and retire 30 years later. Those days are long gone.

The GOP has been attacking Democrats since the 2008 elections, but has a very thin skin when Democrats return the favor.

Beck seems to be in the terminal stages of a nervous breakdown.

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