
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

DU: Senator Bernie Saunders on Shared Sacrifice

Sen. Bernie Saunders
Dear Mr. President,

This is a pivotal moment in the history of our country. Decisions are being made about the national budget that will impact the lives of virtually every American for decades to come. As we address the issue of deficit reduction we must not ignore the painful economic reality of today - which is that the wealthiest people in our country and the largest corporations are doing phenomenally well while the middle class is collapsing and poverty is increasing. In fact, the United States today has, by far, the most unequal distribution of wealth and income of any major country on earth.

Everyone understands that over the long-term we have got to reduce the deficit - a deficit that was caused mainly by Wall Street greed, tax breaks for the rich, two wars, and a prescription drug program written by the drug and insurance companies. It is absolutely imperative, however, that as we go forward with deficit reduction we completely reject the Republican approach that demands savage cuts in desperately-needed programs for working families, the elderly, the sick, our children and the poor, while not asking the wealthiest among us to contribute one penny. 

Mr. President, please listen to the overwhelming majority of the American people who believe that deficit reduction must be about shared sacrifice. The wealthiest Americans and the most profitable corporations in this country must pay their fair share. At least 50 percent of any deficit reduction package must come from revenue raised by ending tax breaks for the wealthy and eliminating tax loopholes that benefit large, profitable corporations and Wall Street financial institutions. A sensible deficit reduction package must also include significant cuts to unnecessary and wasteful Pentagon spending.

Please do not yield to outrageous Republican demands that would greatly increase suffering for the weakest and most vulnerable members of our society. Now is the time to stand with the tens of millions of Americans who are struggling to survive economically, not with the millionaires and billionaires who have never had it so good. 


Sen. Bernie Sanders;
and Co-signers


Rightardia agrees with Senator Saunders. We got out of the depression taxing the top American incomes at the 90 per cent level until JFK was president. It took more than 20 years to dig ourselves out, but the economy boomed after World War 2. 

The entire US federal tax structure needs to be reformed. Corporate tax now accounts for 6 per cent of federal revenues whereas it used to be about 30 per cent. The Estate tax needs to be reformed to weaken the conservative oligarchy that thinks it owns the US. 

Corporations create jobs as does the government, but no corporation will last long without a strong customer base or competent workforce. A corporation is a collective entity. 

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