
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Rite-Aid ILWU Workers organize after 5 year battle


By Doug Cunningham
Five hundred Rite-Aid workers took every anti-union tactic and trick the giant company threw at them and after a five year struggle they are proud members of the ILWU with their first contract. International Longshore and Warehouse Union spokesman Craig Merilees.
[Merilees]: "It took a long time because the company decided to launch an all-out anti-union attack. The remarkable thing is that the workers stood together, fought back, were not intimidated. And despite firings, threats and other forms of coercion they stuck together, hung in there and were able to continue to take action on the shop floor - and motivate thousands of community suppporters in California and around the country to support them."
By Doug Cunningham
Five hundred Rite-Aid workers took every anti-union tactic and trick the giant company threw at them and after a five year struggle they are proud members of the ILWU with their first contract. International Longshore and Warehouse Union spokesman Craig Merilees.

Merilees said: 
It took a long time because the company decided to launch an all-out anti-union attack. The remarkable thing is that the workers stood together, fought back, were not intimidated. And despite firings, threats and other forms of coercion they stuck together, hung in there and were able to continue to take action on the shop floor - and motivate thousands of community supporters in California and around the country to support them.

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