
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Only Romney is left standing after a bad GOP week

First, Mike Huckabee dropped out followed by "The Donald."

Then Newt Gingrich talks about GOP social engineering in regard to Paul Ryan's plans for Medicare. Then revelations follows that Newt owes back taxes in four states and that  he has a $500,000 tab at Tiffany's Jewelers.

Today Newt got hit by a glitter attack by a gay activist who got tired of Newt's anti-gay slurs. The activist wanted Newt "to feel the rainbow."

Why Newt is attacking gays is curious. He is obviously an aficionado of oral sex and his penchant for it might explain his huge debt to Tiffany's.

Rightardia is going to make a bold prediction: Romney will get the GOP nod and his VP nominee will be Mike Huckabee. This would help Romney win over the evangelical crowd.

But, alas, it won't be enough to beat Obama.

Well, that's the way a Democrat would do it. As we all know, Republicans see things a lot different than Democrats!

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