
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Koch Industries subverts Florida State University

In exchange for accepting $1.5 million from billionaire Charles Koch, one of the notorious right-wing Koch Brothers, Florida State University gave Koch the unprecedented right to reject some professor candidates for the school’s economics department. So far 60 per cent of the applicants have been rejected.

Allowing one of Florida’s great public universities to be used as a front for the Koch's corporate propaganda machine is unacceptable.

The Koch's move to control a part of FSU's economics department is bigger than FSU. For years, right wing billionaires like the Kochs have funded scores of front groups and think tanks to advance their radical agenda.

Now they want to use the cover of a public university in an attempt to give their failed ideas more credibility with the public. They can't win the battle of ideas in a fair fight, so they're suppressing academic freedom to get their way.

Florida State’s preposterous arrangement with Charles Koch opens the door to a slippery slope of pay-to-play control over our universities and should not go unchallenged.

Florid Progess Petition To FSU President Eric Barron

See FSU petition link

President Barron:

We, the undersigned, call on you to cancel the pay-to-play contract Florida State University signed with Charles Koch's foundation that has brought shame and controversy to one of Florida's proudest institutions. To sell off the hiring decisions of the university's economics department to a radical ideologue is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

As Floridians, we understand the impact of the legislature's devastating cuts to public education and we will be there with you to fight arm-in-arm against those cuts. But allowing one of Florida's most prestigious academic institutions to be bought off and used as an incubator for extremist propaganda is not the solution.

This public university is ours, President Barron, not Charles Koch's. And we will fight for it.

Rightardia suspect governor Rick Scott is involved with the attempt to corporatize a public university. 

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