
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Huffington Post: Finally a Republican candidate with out a snarl

 President Obama and former Chinese ambassador, John Huntsman

Jon Huntsman, Obama's former ambassador to China, is making his first campaign-style stop to early voting New Hampshire. 

Huntsman, who was Bush' ambassador to Singapore, said every time he has returned from a foreign posting he learns something new about the United States.

Huntsman said:

On returning this time, I'm finding how pessimistic many Americans are about this country's ability to adapt to the future. They point to global economic trends, the lack of jobs, the incomprehensible debt, the bitterness in Washington, the wars that seem to never end, the environmental and natural disasters.

He said Americans shouldn't despair.

You hear how the Chinese economy is going to swamp us. Don't believe it. China has its own problems. And we have our own strengths," said Huntsman, a fluent Mandarin speaker who slipped into his second language to address the international students. "I mean, there is a reason that Google was started in America and not Russia or Germany or China.

Anyone who has bet against this country long-term has lost his money.

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