
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Finally an Intelligence success

by The Major

Did waterboarding led to actionable intelligence that led U.S. forces to Obama Bin Laden's location in Abbottabad, Pakistan? 

Last night, Rep. Peter King made some news when he claimed to Bill O’Reilly that waterboarding did in fact lead to crucial information

During an appearance on Morning Joe earlier today, White House Counterterrorism Chief John Brennan countered the waterboarding claim. 

The term "intelligence failure" has been frequently used when Republicans are president. It is really a cover for political failures of GOP administrations. 

GW Bush tried to explain away the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as an intelligence fialure, but there was a lot of evidence that neo-conservatives in the Bush administration were planning to invade Iraq before Bush was elected president. 

In addition, the Defense Intelligence agency has no National intelligence Estimate on Iraq when Bush took office which suggested the intelligence community did not consider Iraq a threat to the US. 

There was an Al Qaeda complex in Iraq, but it was in the Kurdish-controlled region of Iraq. 

The invasion of Iraq was coordinated by neo-conservatives who used contrived intelligence to justify it. The Iraq debacle was a political failure, not an intelligence failure

The apprehension of Osama Bin Laden was due to 10 years of hard intelligence work rather than political expediency. That's what produced a n "intelligence success!" 

As Lawrence O'Donnel has stated, people are entitled to their own opinion, but not their own 'facts." 

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