
Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Media Matters: The Big Picture April 15, 2010

Uploaded by  on Apr 15, 2011
Right wing media attack women's health, Fox touts birtherism, and Beck may be leaving Fox, but his craziness is sticking around.

Top You Tube Comments

  • AZ GOP Sen. Kyl thought he could blatantly LIE about Planned Parenthood which spends only 3% of their budget providing abortions. The rest provides PAP smears, breast exams, birth control & women's health care.
    But Kyl thought 90% was a good, round number.
    When asked by CNN, Kyl's office responded, "His remark was not intended to be a factual statement."
    Duhh??? Guess he watches FOX.
    Why do GOP, Tea Party & FOX News' lies always come back to: "It was not intended to be a factual statement"?
  • I didn't think it was possible for me to dislike Sean Hannity more. I was incorrect.
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