
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mediaite: Scott Walker involved in poltical cronyism

Scott Walker, the Wisconsin anti-union governor,  demoted a political appointee who got an $81,500 job because he was the son of a prominent lobbyist whose organization donated $121,000 to Walker.

The new state employee didn't even have a college degree, a prerequisite for most government jobs that  are not blue collar.

The Journal Sentinel pointed out who Deschane beat for the job:

“Brian Deschane – the 27-year-old son of a prominent lobbyist – was demoted on Tuesday following a public uproar over his appointment to a cushy job earning $81,500 per year working in Gov. Scott Walker’s administration.

But check out the two candidates Deschane beat out to get the position as head of environmental and regulatory affairs in the state Department of Commerce:

The first, Oscar Herrera, is a former state cabinet secretary under Republican Gov. Scott McCallum with a doctoral degree and eight years’ experience overseeing the cleanup of petroleum-contaminated sites.

The second, Bernice Mattsson, is a professional engineer who served since 2003 in the post to which Deschane was appointed.

By contrast, Deschane has no college degree, little management experience and a couple of drunken-driving convictions. His father represents a trade group that gave more than $121,000 to Walker and his running mate.
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