
Monday, April 4, 2011

Rusian Cold Weather Airborne Drop

Three hundred paratroopers and three vehicles were dropped from Ilyshuin Il-76 Candid aircraft during the 106th Guards Airborne Division’s tactical exercises in the Tula region on March 30th and 31st.

The parachuted vehicles included a Gaz-66 truck, a fuel truck, and a platform with additional ammunition.

The main task of the exercises is to practice coordinated action between airborne, artillery and other units when paratroopers are dropped behind enemy lines.

These exercises were also held to devise common methods of battalion and tactical exercises, and demonstrate to commanding officers how these exercises are performed.

The armoured vehicles were probably forward staged in the drop zone and appear to be BMP-3 amphibious assault vehicles. We had been hoping to see some of the newer airborne BMD-4 vehicles. 

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