
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Open DNS is using the Norton DNS black list

Rightardia tried to speed up Internet access so we started using the Open DNS servers instead of the Bright House servers. We eventually discovered the problem was with Firefox so we started using the Google Chromium web browser.

We were able to use Xmarks to transfer our bookmarks to the new Browser. 
chromium which is a lot fast than FireFox.

However, when we went to Far left side to get the latest cartoon, we got a Norton DNS security warning similar to the one below:

At first we were mystified, but eventually figured out Open DNS must be using the Norton DNS black list. Unfortunately, there was no option to bypass the warning. We were totally blocked from the site.

If you run into this problem, change back to the old DNS settings in your network options. Then purge the browsers cache. In Firefox use Edit | Preferences and use the Clear Now option for Offline storage.

In Chromium, open the tool menu and go to Under the Hood and Clear Browsing data. This will get rid of any these DNS warnings that are cached.

Then reboot the computer.

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