
Sunday, April 3, 2011

NewsMax: Obama should go to Israel?

Susan Estrich said this in a NewsMax article: 

J Street, the pro-peace, pro-Israel lobbying group, is circulating a petition calling on President Obama to go to Israel in the very near future. In my view, they are absolutely right. 

Such a trip is absolutely essential . . . 

The first is to reassure Israel of America's support in difficult times. Fairly or not, many Israelis do not trust Obama in the same way they did his two predecessors, Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. 

Rightardia disagrees. The Middle East is in flux and the burning of the Koran in  the US makes the timing circumspect. The situation is Egypt, Libya and other Arab countires is unstable and the Netanyahu government is listing.

This is the worst of all possible times to visit Israel. 

Obama made teriific offer to Netanyau when the two last met. Zipi Livni, Netayuhu's main opponent, said Netanyahu should have accepted the agreement.

Obama should keep Netanyahu at arm's length and work behind the scenes to collapse the Neanyaahu government.

Benjamin Netanyahu is an uncompromising Zionist.  It is unlikely that the Obama government will ever find any common groiund with Bibi and should not waste procious diplomatic stock on a venture that has little probalbility of success.

In the long run, the hearts and mind os 1 billion Muslims are more important than the hearts and minds of 7.5 million people in Israel.

Susan Estrich is concerned that the Israelis don't trust Obama like they did GW Bush and Clinton.

With a leadership change in Israel, that could quickly change!

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