This is the thesis of Neil Cavuto for Fox News. Well, the media likes humor and the people that Cavuto mentions are Republican clowns, for the most part.
Herman Cain is a man of mystery until his name showed up on presidential contender polls about a week ago. Cain is black, known for giving good speeches and was a founder of Godfather's Pizza. So far, he is a political unknown.
Palin and Bachmann are Tea Partiers and will not cut the mustard with the country club Republicans.
Bachman is notorious for her exaggerated political statements and Palin mangled the English language this week with her discussion of the Libyan squirmish.
Trump made a huge mistake by wandering into birtherland. He may have picked up some Tea party support, but lost mainstream Democrats in the process.
Snopes revealed in the early days of the birther assertions, that Obama's birth announcement appeared in two Honolulu papers. Trump thought the newspaper announcements were unusual?
Trump then insinated Obama may not want to reveal his long form Certificate of Live birth (COLB) because it may show his religion is Muslim.
Good grief!
Trump then proceeded to release his "birth certificate" which was the hospital certificate and not a legal birth certificate in New York
Trump has turned into a political ass clown.
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