
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Mario The great Tea Party government shut-down

 The split between the country clubbers and the Tea Baggers will be apparent in the next election cycle.

Michael Gerson, conservative columnist   writes:

Obama’s (budget) offer is more than reasonable. A $30 billion reduction, after all, was the initial Republican negotiating position back in early February.

Given that Republicans control only the House, this level of cuts would normally be viewed as a remarkable success.

But a portion of the Republican conference longs for a confrontation that results in a government shutdown, preferring a fight over a victory.

And the only worse outcome for Boehner than a politically risky shutdown is a deeply split conference, pitting the Republican establishment against Tea Party purists — a result that would undermine all future Republican progress.

So Obama has managed to turn Republicans against each other and ensure they would be (justifiably) blamed for a shutdown.

This will be the third government shut-down  since 1990, all caused by the GOP congresses.  Up to now there have been only four government shut-downs in US history.
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