
Thursday, April 21, 2011

DCCC: Republicans want to end Medicare

The Congressional Research Service stated:

Individuals Would Not Be Able to Enroll in Current Medicare Program under the Ryan budget. The Congressional Research service (CRS) found that the Ryan budget ends Medicare: “Individuals who become eligible (based either on age or disability) for Medicare in 2022 and later years would not be able to enroll in the current Medicare program.

Instead, they would be given the option of enrolling in a private insurance plan through a newly established Medicare exchange.” [CRS Report, 4/13/11]

It gets worse.

LA Times Opinion: Seniors Would Pay $12,500 more to Start, Rising from There.

In April 2011, the Los Angeles Times published an opinion piece that mentioned that “by the Congressional Budget Office's estimate, Ryan's plan would cost the average new Medicare enrollee an extra $12,500 as soon as it goes into effect in 2022, with expenses rising from there.” [LA Times, 4/20/11]

Will privatizing Medicare save the government money? What this plan would do if put insurance companies back into the divers seat for medicare claims?

The insurance industry would get a big piece of the action. CEOs, who often make 300 times what the average worker makes, will be happy. So will the board of directors and the stock holders. Government workers eligible for pensions will be replaced with pension-less corporate serfs.

Could the government save money? Perhaps, because many of the costs associated with this plan will be placed on the backs of seniors. However, the overall cost of Medicare would probably double.

Consider that the average social security check is $1177 per month is year. By pushing Medicare onto the backs of seniors, the Republican party would succeed in killing both Medicare and Social Security. That has always been their plan. 

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