
Sunday, April 3, 2011

American workers got what they deserved

How many bags full, sir!
By Ray Buursma
Holland, MI
Are you an American employee? If so, today's column will likely offend you. If you'd rather not be offended, read no further. If you continue and then complain, I'm sorry, but that simply proves you're, well, stupid. But then again, stupidity plays a large role in today's topic.

Still reading? OK. You've had fair warning.So you're an American employee. Maybe you make car parts. Maybe you're an engineer or designer. Maybe you're an accountant, store clerk or tradesman. Whatever you do, you're probably stupid or lazy. Yes, I wrote it, and I mean it. You are either stupid or lazy. Maybe both.

Now, I'm not referring to your work ethic or job performance. No, most of you are competent and devoted to your profession or vocation. I'm addressing the way you view economics and employment. I'm challenging your gumption to advocate for yourself and your fellow Americans. 

(To read the entire article,
click here.) 
Rightardia agrees. 

The American worker has gone to sleep and thinks corporations will take care of them. Nothing could be farther than the truth. 

The goal of the owner is to get your productivity as high as possible and sell the company when the owners  are middle aged so they can retire young.  They will keep your pay and benefits as low as possible as long as you permit them to do so. 

What is the answer. Get organized and form a  union. Americans need to get off their asses and get organized. 

Stop being a sheeple.

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