
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Workers Independent News: Recall Effort Against Wisconsin GOP Senators Off To A Strong, Passionate Start

By Doug Cunningham

Kristopher Rowe: “Knowing how much passion and fire is not just under me, but every single one of these volunteers, I know we’re going to succeed.”

Krsitopher Rowe, who is coordinating the recall effort against Wisconsin Republican state senator Alberta Darling near Milwaukee.

Eight Republican senators who are supporting the attack on collective bargaining rights for public workers are recall targets. Conservatives have also targeted eight Wisconsin state senate Democrats.

But the energy, momentum and people power is much higher against the Republicans. Rowe says in one state senate district alone hundreds have volunteered and thousands of signatures were collected in a single weekend.

Rowe: “We had about six hundred volunteers hit the ground, knocking on doors collecting signatures. And although I don’t know an exact number, I know we collected several thousand. We need 21,000.”

The recall signatures must be collected within 60 days. After they are certified, recall elections will be scheduled for the sixth Tuesday after the signatures are validated. Rowe says more information is available about the recall at

Good for the Wisconsin public workers. Don't get mad, get even!

Get rid of the Republican bums! Make them pay for being corporatist shills.

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