
Sunday, March 20, 2011

WMR: Union rank and file follow GOP Wisconsin state senators to DC BGR office

March 17-18, 2011 

On March 16, hundreds of labor union members, many from Wisconsin, descended outside the offices of the Washington lobbying firm BGR Group.

The firm's letters stand for Haley Barbour, the current Republican governor of Mississippi, and two of his old GOP chums and Ole Miss classmates, Lanny Griffith and Ed Rogers.

BGR was holding an annual $1000 a head fundraiser for the Wisconsin Republican Party.

In town to collect the corporate loot were Wisconsin legislative leaders, including Senate Majority leader Scott Fitzgerald, Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, and two senators under a recall action, Alberta Darling and Glenn Grothmann.

The GOP legislators helped force through GOP Governor Scott Walker's unpopular anti-union legislation, considered to be "union busting" by the protesters.

The protesters who showed up outside DC's Homer Building at the corner of F and 13th Streets and then proceeded to march past the White House with a heavy police presence.

Among BGR's staff is Philip Zeikow, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission who boxed the commission's members into a pre-determined conclusion that fitted the needs of the neo-conservatives in the George W. Bush administration.

BGR is a major cog in a right-ing influence peddling and political campaign machine in Washington, DC.

BGR's support for Wisconsin Republicans indicates a strong link between the Wisconsin GOP, the Republican National Committee (RNC), and the Koch Brothers, who funded Walker's campaign and support his anti-union actions and moves to privatize state assets in Wisconsin.

Haley Barbour, a former RNC chairman, has never cut his ties to Washington, DC.

Along with Tom Boggs of the powerhouse law and lobbying firm Patton & Boggs, Barbour is a principal in The Caucus Room restaurant, a high-priced eatery across the street from the FBI headquarters that is heavy on political wheeling and dealing and light on decent cuisine.

source: Wayne Madsen Reports

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